Crop Loan Scheme


Crop Loan Scheme

Adarniya P. D. Patilsaheb Sahakari Bank Ltd.

Eligibility : This Scheme is available for Bank Members & Members of Sahyadri Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Yashwantnagar etc.
Margin/Limit : Type of Sugarcane Plantation(Per Acres Loan Limit), Adasal(42,000/-), Suru/PurvHangam(35,000/-), Khodawa(30,000/-)
Repayment : The repayment will be maximum 12 months.
Security : Agri Land, Crops(sugarcane), farmhouse, electric motors & pipelines etc.
Interest Rate : Interest Rate will be 8.50% p.a. (Yearly Interest Posting)
Required Documents : Agri land - 7/12 of borrowers, No dues Certificate of Vikas Seva Society & Nationalized Banks in local area of branch, Two Guarantors & their Income related documents & property related documents, Sugarcane registration certificate of Sugar factory (2 copies), Authority and recommendation letter of Sugar Factory, KYC documents of Borrower & Guarantors
Loan Handling Charges : No any charges.